Breathing Together
A chronicle of my on-going search for the Truth.
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Peter Gersten's got it right.

Peter Gersten, for those of you unfamiliar with the name, is an Arizona attorney who, through his organization CAUS, Citizens Against UFO Secrecy, has brought suit against the CIA and the United States Military for withholding and subverting information regarding UFOs and the government's involvement with them.

This group stands for two simple and clearly stated principles;

1) It is against any and all secrecy relating to contact with all forms of extraterrestrial intelligence.

2) it believes that the public has the absolute and unconditional right to know about this contact.

It is an organization determined to see that the United States government and ALL its various agencies honor the edict made clear in the Freedom of Information Act.

These agencies must be made accountable and the truth must be brought to light.

In 1997, Mel Waters, a Washington state humanitarian and entrepreneur, was unceremoniously "relieved" of his property by "alleged" representatives of the United States Army shortly after making public the fact that this property featured a supposedly "bottomless" pit. (In interviews, Mr. Waters attested to the fact that this hole had been known about by locals and had been used as a dumping area for generations. It was Mr. Waters own curiosity that led him to attempt to measure the depth of this hole. At the time that the "government" took control of both the hole and the property, Waters had spooled over 15 miles worth of monofiliment line into the pit.)

The government denies any involvement regarding Mr. Waters' property and yet they refuse to investigate who exactly has illegally procured this enigmatic pit.

Who is responsible? And do we need to create yet another tax-sucking agency to monitor the activities of all the others?

Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?

I will post more as my search continues.
The word conspiracy comes from the Latin con + spire, meaning to breathe together.

There are conspiracies all around us. Conspiracy theorists are not crazy whack-jobs. They are individuals — citizens — simply in search of the Truth. A Truth that some feel should be hidden from us.

I am one of those individuals.

Name: Randall P. Emerich
Location: Somewhere in the U.S.
January 2008 / February 2008 /

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