Breathing Together
A chronicle of my on-going search for the Truth.
Friday, March 28, 2008
  One Day A Year
One day a year, because these installations are government funded, paid for with YOUR tax dollar, people, these underground facilities are required to make themselves open and available to the tax-paying public. Of course, the Military Complex, determined to keep these underground bunkers a secret, do not make this process an easy one. A Citizen (and only U.S Citizens are eligible, naturally) must first send for a copy of the schedule which announces the day that each of these facilities are to hold their "open house". That Citizen must then petition for a place in this very limited viewing. Once a ticket is secured, the Citizen must then arrive an hour early and undergo a battery of tests and examinations before entering the complex.

I had the opportunity to visit one of these facilities located just outside the town of Upperville, NY, two years ago.

Inside, I was given a tour of a vast, impressive, yet quite empty underground city. This, I was told, was a facility designed to house 2000 people (again, Citizens) for the better part of five years in the event of "difficult conditions" in the world above. There were several warehouses full of food and stores. Others full of pure bottled water, air cleaning turbines the size of small houses, waste disposal. There were both radio and television stations, closed-circuit, of course. Movie theaters, bowling alleys, and an indoor stadium sporting the latest version of Astroturf.

It was impressive.

It was also for show.

These are the "gimmes". These are the super-air raid shelters that we were told so much about back in the 50's and 60's when the Cold War had every Tom, Dick, and Four-Star General so paranoid that they were actually diving under school desks at every chirp of an air raid siren.

The underground facilities that I'M talking about aren't empty at all. They house agents that walk among us and mark our every move, immense monitoring systems and spy devices that track our movements via both manned and unmanned satellite. They track the movements too of the aliens that walk among us, creatures from other planets and other dimensions able to blend in with humanity and study us for their own unknown agendas. Paranoid rant, you say. Not at all...

As with so many things in this current administration, our Government--and especially the Military and Corporate interests which have such a hold on this administration--has become adept at the old con called the "bait and switch". They show us these contingency bunkers, 27 in all that they admit to, and say, "This is it. This is all we have." In reality, these, I believe, are just the tip of the iceberg. I believe that there are several complexes across this great land of ours that are buzzing with activity, brimming with agents trained to winnow out those beings that have infiltrated our ranks and pose a threat to, not only our way of life, but to all of humanity itself!

More people need to show an interest. More people need to seek out these answers. Our Government needs to know that we WANT to know! Why are we being kept in the dark?

I will post more as my search continues...
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Peter Gersten's got it right.

Peter Gersten, for those of you unfamiliar with the name, is an Arizona attorney who, through his organization CAUS, Citizens Against UFO Secrecy, has brought suit against the CIA and the United States Military for withholding and subverting information regarding UFOs and the government's involvement with them.

This group stands for two simple and clearly stated principles;

1) It is against any and all secrecy relating to contact with all forms of extraterrestrial intelligence.

2) it believes that the public has the absolute and unconditional right to know about this contact.

It is an organization determined to see that the United States government and ALL its various agencies honor the edict made clear in the Freedom of Information Act.

These agencies must be made accountable and the truth must be brought to light.

In 1997, Mel Waters, a Washington state humanitarian and entrepreneur, was unceremoniously "relieved" of his property by "alleged" representatives of the United States Army shortly after making public the fact that this property featured a supposedly "bottomless" pit. (In interviews, Mr. Waters attested to the fact that this hole had been known about by locals and had been used as a dumping area for generations. It was Mr. Waters own curiosity that led him to attempt to measure the depth of this hole. At the time that the "government" took control of both the hole and the property, Waters had spooled over 15 miles worth of monofiliment line into the pit.)

The government denies any involvement regarding Mr. Waters' property and yet they refuse to investigate who exactly has illegally procured this enigmatic pit.

Who is responsible? And do we need to create yet another tax-sucking agency to monitor the activities of all the others?

Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?

I will post more as my search continues.
Thursday, January 31, 2008
  In search of the Truth
Through the Freedom of Information Act, there are over 655,000 pages of Project Blue Book now available to the public. We are told that it is all there. And yet there are countless references to other files and documents that have been removed and omitted.

The Warren Report is due to be open to the American public in 2017. And yet, as I write these words, there are factions within the Government lobbying desperately to have this deadline extended! NOW! Some 45 years after Kennedy’s assassination! *

Hell, even my own file, acquired through said Freedom of Information Act, indicates that I myself have only been visited twice by government officials, when in fact I have been interrogated by and, at times, illegally detained by, the suits and sunglasses on nine separate occasions!

The word conspiracy comes from the Latin
con + spire
meaning to breathe together.

There are conspiracies all around us. We all partake in conspiracies of some sort every single day. So please don’t equate this word with the level of paranoia and instability that the Powers That Be--the Unseen True Leaders of the World--would have you believe. Conspiracy Theorists are not crazy whack-jobs. They are individuals--citizens--simply in search of the Truth. A Truth that some feel should be hidden from us.

I am one of those individuals.

I am convinced that the Government is hiding things from us that would (and should!) change our reality overnight. Alternate fuel sources, alternate energy sources, alternate dimensions. I am certain that there are vast underground installations located beneath many of our larger metropolitan cities through which the Government dispatches agents to confront and contain so-called threats to our reality and our way of life.

I have made it my mission to reveal these Truths.

I will continue my reports as my investigation continues…

* Note: Struck by grief, it was widely reported that Jackie Kennedy refused to change out of her blood-stained clothes for more than a day. Believing that it was her responsibility to help the American people grieve, she sequestered herself in the White House Library for many long hours, researching the funerals of past Presidents and Heads of State, creating a ceremony that both paid tribute to her fallen husband and homage to those that had gone before. However…What was not reported at the time, and has since been erased from all record, is the fact that some ten weeks prior to her husband’s death, a full two and a half months before Jack Kennedy met his tragic fate in Dallas’ Dealy Plaza, Jaqueline Bouvier Kennedy had signed those very same books out of the White House Library.
The word conspiracy comes from the Latin con + spire, meaning to breathe together.

There are conspiracies all around us. Conspiracy theorists are not crazy whack-jobs. They are individuals — citizens — simply in search of the Truth. A Truth that some feel should be hidden from us.

I am one of those individuals.

Name: Randall P. Emerich
Location: Somewhere in the U.S.
January 2008 / February 2008 / March 2008 /

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